Welcome to Takeo's Website

(Movie by Takeo Shimazu)


  1. Is Vim a Next Zoom? (2023-10-22)
  2. An Open Letter to Prospective Employers (2023-12-01)
  3. My sample response to a highly rhetorical text (2024-02-27)
  4. Should You Buy Bitcoin Now? (2024-04-15)

HTML/CSS Practice Pages

  1. Subtle But Effective Animation (2021-10-24)
  2. Complicated Merger of Grids (2021-10-28)
  3. Hero Section, Media Queries, and Responsiveness (2021-11-05)
  4. Antiquated Design Method - Obliged Table Tag Usage (2021-11-14)
  5. Images Conveying Messages (2021-11-28)

Design Works

  1. Business Card Design for a Vietnamese Restaurant (2024/09/14)